senses reconnected was realized 2010 as a semester project at Stuttgart Media University. A group of 12 students created the interactive installation. The conceptual thoughts behind senses reconnected:
The media landscape has been heavily remodelled and redesigned within the last fifteen years. Along with this development our possibilities of perception have changed severely: electronically created images, sounds, lights and thoughts surround us day in day out, in ever new varieties and with increasing speeds. People connect, change, generate, consume, always accompanied by questions about the validity of the results. What if the digital reality creates new references and connections because of errors in the system? What if incorrect connections occur?
3 Communication Terminals and a Connection Console in the center of the installation symbolize the Digital. Visitors could communicate with one another visually, auditive and haptically via the Terminals. The signal flow could be manipulated with the Connection Console. Opposed to the Digital 3 columns thematized the nature scenes Forest, Lake and Mountain.
senses reconnected came to life thanks to the developing environments vvvv, PureData and Arduino. In addition to that lots of electronic parts where used.
In the scope of this semester project I contributed my workforce in the fields of conception, arti direction and programming.
After the initial exhibition at Stuttgart Media University’s Media Night in the summer of 2010 senses reconnected could be seen in further exhibitions at Haus der Wirtschaft Stuttgart and at the SAP Walldorf.